Large Database Analysis

To perform assessment of large databases, the data team from COR-LD have extensive experience in utilizing a number of publicly available and proprietary databases. He team has been a leader in analyzing The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data, US Medicare database, National Inpatient Sample (NIS) Database, Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database, United States Medicare dataset, National Inpatient Sample, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) database and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) database. Additionally, COR-LD team has experience in using Global Burden of Disease data to assess burden of liver diseases. Finally, COR-LD team maintain the Viral and NASH/MASH clinical datasets that include over 10,000 patients with extensive clinical, laboratory and PRO data. Finally, COR-LD has established a Global Liver and NASH/MASH Registries to assess clinical, laboratory and patient reported outcomes of patients with viral hepatitis B, C and D as well as NASH/MASH with over 16,000 subjects enrolled from real-world practices in over 20 countries. Recently, COR-LD team added ALD and PBC diagnoses for the Global Liver Registry.